Information concerning UNL's current educational programs and course descriptions is available in the Undergraduate Bulletin and the Graduate Bulletin. These bulletins also include a listing of current faculty. Information about campus facilities, including those that relate to instructional programs, is available through the campus map and in the UNL Fact Book.
Information concerning UNL's institutional and specialized accreditations is available in the UNL Fact Book (see “Accreditations” section). Following guidelines established by the University of Nebraska’s Board of Regents, all academic programs are assessed through a formal Program Review process on a regular basis. In addition to review of the programs, UNL continually reviews and assesses the educational programs through student outcomes assessment. Information regarding UNL's assessment of academic programs is also available.
UNL is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Information on UNL’s accreditation is also available.
The University of Nebraska–Lincoln does not provide, and prohibits financial aid administrators and recruiters from receiving, incentive payment based directly or indirectly on securing enrollments or financial aid to any individual or entity engaged in recruiting or admission activities, or in making decisions regarding the award of Federal Student Aid program funds. All UNL staff are held to a strict code of conduct governing the administration of student loans. These rules specifically govern activities involving our interactions with private lending institutions. Read the full policy.
College Navigator is a free consumer information tool designed to help students, parents, high school counselors, and others search for and obtain information about U.S. postsecondary institutions. Enter the University of Nebraska–Lincoln as 'Name of School' to view UNL's College Navigator information.
Confidentiality of Student Records and Student Health Records (FERPA and HIPAA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. UNL publishes a FERPA notification that delineates student rights under FERPA. UNL information on confidentiality of student records is published in Undergraduate and the Graduate Bulletins. UNL is committed to protecting the privacy and security of personal health information concerning our employees and students. See the Health Center website for more information pertaining to the Privacy Practices of the University Health Center.
Information regarding file sharing and copyright policies and resources at UNL is available at the Information Technology Services website. This includes information on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and individual rights and responsibilities.
Cost of Attendance
Information concerning the cost of attending UNL is available from the Office of Scholarships & Financial Aid. These costs consist of tuition and fees, books and supplies, room and board, transportation, and any additional costs for a program in which the student is enrolled or expresses an interest.
Crime Statistics, Campus Security Policies, Crime Log, and Fire Log
Specific information regarding safety and security at UNL is provided in UNL’s GOOGLE 人机验证(RECAPTCHA)无法显示解决方案(转 ...:2021-3-9 · 对于 iOS(苹果手机) 用户,鉴于苹果的相关规定,Firefox iOS 版本不能安装插件。 对于 Android(安卓手机) 用户,可伡在此处下载: Firefox Android 官方下载。当然如果有能力翻墙,也可伡搜索 Google Play 进行安装。. This report contains crime and fire statistics for the previous three years regarding incidents that occurred on UNL property, including in residence facilities. The report also includes a list of resources available to crime victims, important policy statements, links to sex offender registries, tips on avoiding being a victim, how to report crimes and how reports are handled, campus resources and programs regarding safety/security & drugs/alcohol, campus disciplinary procedures, fire safety and evacuations, and other matters of importance related to the well-being of the campus community. Additional safety and emergency information can be found at: 手机火狐翻墙.
UNL also maintains a Daily Crime & Fire Log of incidents occurring on UNL property, continuously updated. The log provides general information regarding incidents and does not include names or specific locations, such as residence hall room numbers.
Drug and Alcohol Policy
UNL’s Drug Free Campus Policy includes the institution's drug/alcohol policy. The annual report also provides information about alcohol and other drug health risks, drug alcohol laws and penalties, and campus alcohol and other drug education and counseling resources.
Federal Student Financial Aid Penalties for Drug Law Violations
Federal law provides that a student who has been convicted of an offense under any federal or state law involving the possession or sale of a controlled substance during a period of enrollment for which the student was receiving financial aid shall not be eligible to receive any federal or institutional grant, loan, or work assistance. There is a separate, written notice of the penalties for drug violations.
Financial Aid
The Office of Scholarships & Financial Aid website includes information about the following: need-based and non-need-based federal, state, local, private, and institutional financial assistance programs available to students; eligibility requirements and procedures for applying for aid; criteria for selecting recipients and determining amount of award; methods and frequency of disbursements of aid; financial aid terms and conditions, including terms applicable to employment provided as part of a financial aid package; rights and responsibilities of students receiving Title IV, HEA loans; the availability of financial aid for study abroad programs; how financial aid is handled when students withdraw; and whom to contact for questions regarding financial aid; the terms and conditions of federal student loans; entrance and exit counseling information; and drug violation penalties. The retention rate for Pell Grant recipients and the code of conduct for financial aid employees is also listed.
Students may use the financial aid calculator to find estimates for total cost of attendance and Financial Aid.
Graduation and Retention Rates (Student Right-to-Know Act)
Graduation and retention rates for UNL full-time, degree-seeking, undergraduate students are available on the NCAA website (see “Search GSR by Sport, School, Conference and Year” section).
Graduation and Retention Rates for Student Athletes
The Department of Athletics annually provides information available to the general public on: 1) UNL’s sport-by-sport Academic Progress rates; 2) Academic Progress rates for each head coach; 3) and the graduation rates for each sport. UNL’s information is available on the NCAA’s website.
Gun Policy
University of Nebraska–Lincoln policy prohibits the possession of firearms, ammunition or other dangerous weapons on campus or in student housing. Students, Staff and Faculty are welcome to use our bins for 翻了墙可伡看哪些网站.
As required by the FTC's Red Flags Rule, the University of Nebraska–Lincoln has established and maintains an Identity Theft Prevention Program. Information on the UNL prevention program is available on the University Bursar website.
Intercollegiate Athletic Program Participation Rates and Financial Support Data
In compliance with the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act, the Department of Athletics publishes information on men's and women's athletic programs at UNL. The EADA report includes the number of participants by gender for each team, operating and recruiting expenses, coaches' salaries, revenues, and athletically related student aid.
Missing Student Policy and Notification Procedures
The Annual Campus Security and Safety Report contains UNL's missing student policy and notification procedures, as well as specific procedures to be followed when an UNL student has been reported missing. The report also outlines how students can submit emergency contact and missing person contact information.
Upon notification, UNL Police will initiate an investigation into any missing person.
Placement of Graduates
The Office of Career Services collects and publishes information on the 手机火狐翻墙. Six-month post-graduation survey statistics include information on the placement of and types of employment, professional and graduate schools for UNL graduates.
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Requirements for return of Title IV, HEA grant or loan aid are available on the Office of Scholarships & Financial Aid website.
As required by the FTC's Red Flags Rule, UNL has established and will maintain an Identity Theft Prevention Program. Information on the UNL prevention program is available on Human Resources’ Red Flag Rule website.
Requirements for Withdrawal
If a student withdraws or drops a course, UNL will adhere to its refund policy as published in the Undergraduate and the Graduate Bulletins. The Catalog also contains information regarding the requirements and procedures for students seeking to withdraw officially.
Services for Students with Disabilities
The Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) provides disability-related information and referrals for UNL students, determines eligibility for services and facilitates reasonable accommodations, coordinates disability-related technical assistance and auxiliary aids/services, and provides advocacy and training. Visit the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities homepage for additional information on services and resources available to students with disabilities.
The use of SSN as an identification number within UNL is limited to those uses permitted by law. To protect the privacy of persons whose SSN is collected, all university offices follow procedures in the University's Social Security Number Policy, available on the Information Technology Services website.
Student Body Diversity
Information about student body diversity is provided in the UNL Fact Book (see “Fall Enrollment” and “Spring Enrollment” sections).
Student Code of Conduct
University students are both citizens and members of the academic community. As members of the academic community, students are subject to the obligations which accrue to them by virtue of this membership. As members of the larger community of which the University is part, students are entitled to all the rights and protections enjoyed by other members of that community. By the same token, students are also subject to all civil laws, the enforcement of which is the responsibility of duly constituted civil authorities. When a student violates a 翻了墙可伡看哪些网站, he/she is subject to disciplinary action by the University whether or not his/her conduct violates civil law.
Teacher Education Statistics
Title II of the Higher Education Act requires annual reports on the pass rates of their graduates on state certification assessments and other program data. The UNL University Teacher Education Program publishes an annual report on this topic.
The U. S. Department of Education also publishes an annual Title II report for the state of Nebraska that summarizes data collected under the federal Higher Education Act. Entries describing the UNL Teacher Education program enrollment, requirements, and assessment pass rates are clearly described in each section of this report.
Textbook Information / Required Course Materials
The online UNL Schedule of Classes includes a link to textbook and required materials for each course as soon as the information is available for a given term. Textbook information is also available directly from the University Bookstore website.
Transfer of Credit and Articulation Agreements
Transfer of credit policies are published in the Undergraduate Bulletin. UNL has purchased a subscription to Transferology™, a web-based network of transfer credit information, which is free to students. Students can enter their courses in Transferology™ to see how credits from a community college or another university may transfer to a particular degree program at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Some additional course-to-course equivalents may be found on the Transfer Course Equivalency list.
University Nondiscrimination Statement
The University of Nebraska–Lincoln does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, ethnicity, religion, national origin, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, sex, marital status, disability, or status as a U.S. veteran. Read the full non-discrimination statement.
The University of Nebraska–Lincoln follows the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's recommendation for immunizations. Specific information on vaccinations is published on the health center's recommended immunizations page.
Voter Registration
Information on voting in local, state, and federal elections, including a copy of the Nebraska voter registration application form, may be accessed at the Nebraska Secretary of State website.